Thursday, August 27, 2020
Educational Mission Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Instructive Mission Statement - Essay Example Hierarchical statement of purpose is a significant proclamation since it speaks to: Hence, the statement of purpose is fundamental to the association's personality and it is enlarged by different things, for example, reasoning proclamation, values, destinations and so forth. The core of any hierarchical statement of purpose isn't in the words however in the promise to do what is spelt out in the announcement. This paper looks to feature the statement of purpose and the way of thinking of nursing of a human services association in correlation with the statement of purpose and nursing reasoning articulation of a nursing division of an instructive establishment. Arranged inWorcester, Massachusetts, Saint Vincent Hospital, a 348 bed office, offers a bunch of social insurance administrations including medical procedure, disease medication maternity and youngster care administrations, neurosurgery, orthopedics, psychiatry, ICU administrations and so forth. Committed to arrangement of value quiet consideration with unwavering fixation to clinical greatness, wellbeing of the patients and an unparalleled fixation and pledge to ensure best medicinal services for our customers Holy person Vincent Hospital's way of thinking of nursing and nursing practice is summarized in their qualities which are basically separated into five columns. These are: Trust, Teamwork, Dignity and Reverence, Cooperation and Integrity. Collaboration - recognizes the contribution of everything except needs penance for the patient's advantage in order to improve the soundness of the network getting the emergency clinic's administration. The emergency clinic likewise works in a joint effort with different associations in an offer to take care of powerless gatherings in the network Participation - Between the patient and the nursing staff and furthermore between the different clinical experts and pros Honesty - Integrity is organized and is shown for the most part through decency, truthfulness and self-investigation in all administrations rendered as an ideal method to guard general security, just as assurance caution and protection (Huber, 2006). 2.2University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Department of Nursing Services and Patient Care College of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Department of Nursing give human services to the whole college of Iowa people group. 2.2.1 Mission Statement Arrangement of top notch care for patients through solid commitment to advancement, practice, exploration, instruction, and joint effort 2.2.2 Philosophy of Nursing and Nursing Practice Nursing as a craftsmanship and science-nursing as a workmanship and science is given to improving both mental and physical government assistance of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Simmel Sociability Essay -- Sociology
The issue of current recreation has, consistently, been an all around talked about theme among numerous sociologists. Friendliness, for this situation, is one of the most general types of recreation that will be talked about in this article. The hypothetical system for this conversation is given by the sociological bits of knowledge of Georg Simmel (1858-1918) as he contends that the â€Å"tumult of the metropolis†(refered to in Frisby 1989, p80) makes inward obstructions among individuals and recommends that â€Å"sociability†can outperform this issue. As indicated by Frisby (1989), Simmel states that the city life has changed the battle with nature for job into a battle with other people for gain. This is additionally talked about as Frisby (1989) and Giulianotti (2005) depicts how amiability can rise above this issue as per Simmel’s friendliness hypothesis. Let’s start by characterizing what amiability is. As per Simmel, amiability is ‘the unadulterated structure, the free-playing associating reliance of individuals’ that is ‘freed from substance’ (Simmel as refered to in Frisby 1989, p.87). It is in this way situated complet...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Best Custom Essay Writing Services
Best Custom Essay Writing ServicesWhen it comes to finding the best custom essay writing services, there are many factors that you should consider. What you decide to do with this information is up to you. But before you go and choose a service, be sure to consider the following tips.The first thing that you should consider is how much time the question should take. If you are unable to sit down and answer it all yourself, ask friends or someone that has the ability to help. This way, you can be certain that you have time to look over the details and make any adjustments that you may need to make. It will also help you ensure that you are getting exactly what you need.When you are choosing custom essay writing services, you should remember that these people are trained professionals. They should provide you with proofreading of the material, editing and corrections. This is something that you should expect because the last thing you want is your essay to be rejected. A professional w ho offers services such as this should not only make sure that you get exactly what you want, but should work to make it as impressive as possible.Service charges should be up front and in writing. This will ensure that you know what you are getting into and what you will be paying for. You may be able to find a cheaper service but this does not mean that the quality of their writing is better.Be sure to take your time when looking at services. While you want to narrow down your choices, you need to keep in mind that there are many different services out there. Choosing the wrong one may mean that you do not get exactly what you want. Do some research so that you can see if what you are looking for is offered by the company that you are considering.Ensure that they are certified. This is important so that you can be sure that you are receiving the best type of service. You can find all of this information online. It may be easier for you to do this online than to call up the office of the company that you are considering.Always remember that there are many different types of writing services out there. Even when you are looking for custom essay writing services, there are many options to consider. There are also many different ways that you can use these services to get exactly what you want.When you are choosing custom essay writing services, it is important to take the time to consider the above points. These are things that you can easily do yourself and save yourself a lot of money. When you consider the above tips, you will find that you are saving yourself a lot of money and time by taking the time to find a good service that you can trust.
Monday, May 25, 2020
William Shakespeare s Taming Of The Shrew - 1676 Words
Many classic literary works are considered timeless due to the way they tackle the human condition. These works have stood the test of time and continue to do so because they grapple with economic and social issues that people of all ages, from all walks of life, can relate to. Shakespearean plays ideally encompass these viewpoints; they can be tragic, comedic or even romantic. Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare explores the marriage between a shrewd woman, Katherine and a willing suitor, Petruchio. Petruchio challenges himself to try and transform shrewd ways of Katherine to turn her into the ideal and obedient house wife by using various techniques, such as denying her company and even food and clothing. The comedic genre is shown through the clever language and the witty words, revealing an entertaining and light hearted tone. Classic literary works should always be relatable and to this day, this play is still engaging people with issues prevalent in modern day society. During Shakespearean and Elizabethan times, women were not seen as equal and were treated like property, traded like cattle and sold off with a dowry during marriage. They had to be subservient to the men in their lives, whether it be towards their father or their husband. The man was seen as stronger, more able to do everyday tasks and providing for the family, while the women were to stay at home to raise the kids and clean the house. Despite society’s claims of advancement, women are stillShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Taming Of The Shrew889 Words  | 4 PagesIn many accounts, William Shakespeare’s Taming Of The Shrew, is often criticized for its seemingly misogynistic themes; such as the thought of â€Å"taming†a woman, thus making her completely submissive to her husband. While in the opening of the play, Katharine, ill-tempered but seemingly impenetrable, gets pulverized by Petruchio’s contradicting her words, and also saying disgusting j okes in an intense verbal arguement. In another example, one of the other main characters, Bianca, was bet on by severalRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Taming Of The Shrew1180 Words  | 5 PagesWilliam Shakespeare s ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ is a controversial comedy that has more than 1 interpretation. The 2 prominent interpretations is that it a misogynistic play or that it is a love story about a man liberating a woman. This play has been adapted into any movies the 2 that were studied were ‘The Taming of the Shrew’, produced in 1967 and ‘10 Things I Hate About You’, made in 1999. Upon viewing these 2 movies I found that ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ had a great deal of misogyny throughoutRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Taming Of The Shrew Essay2348 Words  | 10 PagesShakespeare wrote his plays without a thought that they would ever not be performed on stage. Many of Shakespeare’s plays have been performed sinc e his death 400 years ago. And with time comes advances, as many of Shakespeare’s play have been adapted from text to film. Some films take Shakespeare’s original plot and twist it to be more modern, while others stick with the classic. In Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 film version of The Taming of the Shrew, he recreates Shakespeare’s loved play. Although ZeffirelliRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello, And Taming Of The Shrew1684 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout the works of Shakespeare there are several relationships that develop in order to help guide the story into its conclusion. For instance, in Othello, and Taming of the Shrew, similar relationships between the male and female lead characters are displayed and emphasized to bring large meaning to each of the texts. It is these relationships between fathers and daughters, as well as husbands and wives that form to progress the plots of each play. Through these bold and sometimes fatal relationshipsRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Taming Of The Shrew And Of Clytemnestra1550 Words  | 7 Pages When William Shakespeare and Aeschylus create purpose, they create it in a direct manner. Executing it with carefully chosen language, Shakespeare and Aeschylus implement multiple layers to construct meaning and multiple interpretations. Without alienating the audience and regardless of it’s controversial theme’s, both text’s were at a time developed when devoted leaders condemned the idea of Eve and praised the Virgin Mary, Neoclassical scholars welcome the idea of feminism, reversed gender rolesRead MoreAnalysis of William Shakespeare ´s The Taming of the Shrew1962 Words  | 8 Pages â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew ‘ is undoubtedly amongst Shakespeare’s most popular and debated comedies .The main subject of contention amongst critics is the apparent misogynistic elements offered in the play.Some ,like Stevie Davies argue that ‘The Taming of The Shrew ‘ celebrates ‘ female subjugation and mistreatment ‘ .Others see it is a parody of ‘female subjugation’ which grotesquely exaggerates Petruchio’s ‘taming’ of shrewish Katherina and portrays their relationship as a ‘game’ .Whether theRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare’s romantic comedy, The Taming of1100 Words  | 5 Pages William Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare’s romantic comedy, The Taming of the Shrew, is an embodiment of the context in which the text was shaped, the Renaissance. The Renaissance period was a time of progression, primarily in the areas of art, science, humanism, religion and self-awareness. The Renaissance focused on taking elements of the past including religion, art and science and adapting them to make them better. Humanists advocated for the freedom of the individualsRead MoreGender Essentialism : Katherine s Transformation1735 Words  | 7 PagesGender Essentialism: Katherine s Transformation in William Shakespeare s Taming Of The Shrew Feminist and cultural historians have convincingly demonstrated that rebellious women were a concern for englishmen during the late sixteenth centuries (Detmer 273). The idea of â€Å"taming†a women is one that men can find useful, though women can also benefit from. Katherine cynically conforms to expectation, and in doing so displays how The Taming of the Shrew is a critique on gender essentialism. TheRead MoreThemes in Taming of the Shrew1433 Words  | 6 PagesThe Taming of the Shrew is a comedy written in the early 1590’s by William Shakespeare. This play within a play starts when a powerful lord plays a prank on a poor, drunken man named Christopher Sly. The lord convinces the poor man that he is actually a lord himself and that the troop of actors that have arrived are there to perform a play for him. This play that the troop of actors performs is the story of Petruchio, who wants to marry for money, and Katherina, the shrew. The two actually marryRead More The Relationship Between Katherine and Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew1186 Words  | 5 PagesThe Relationship Between Katherine and Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew   William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright of all time. His gift for developing characters is one major aspect that accounts for this lofty acknowledgement. Shakespeare created various characters from drunks and fools to kings and generals. The characters are so human and so real that the audience can see aspects of their own personalities represented on stage for better or worse. Inadvertently
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Dangers Of Fast Food Advertising - 1296 Words
Fast food advertisements can be found around the world, on newspapers, television, and even online. Children, teenagers, and parents have seen marketing focused on fast food. While adults may think little about such blatant advertising tactics that are solely designed to attract new customers, how are kids affected? People across the United States worry about the ever increasing obesity rates amongst children in recent years. A common explanation is the spike in popularity of fast food. Most kids and teenagers have eaten fast food at least once in their lifetime. But why has fast food gotten increasingly popular recently? Fast food has always been known to be very unhealthy, but kids still consume it anyway. The culprit: fast food advertising. In modern times, the majority of kids living in the United States have access to the internet or television, where they are easy targets for advertising. To prevent the nation from growing up obese, fast food companies should end all ad campaig ns targeted towards children and focus advertising strictly on adults. These advertisements cause kids to consume fast food more often, to eat an unhealthy diet, and to grow up in a culture dependent on fast food. Most people will agree that, in the current generation, kids eat a lot of fast food. Considerably more than ever, kids regularly ask their parents to take them to a fast food joint. Based on information from â€Å"Study: Fast-Food Ads Target Kids with Unhealthy Food, and It Works†, byShow MoreRelatedFast Food Industry in U.S1040 Words  | 5 PagesProfessor Johnson 03/06/2012 Fast Food Industry in U.S A variety of different regulations have been set for people that are concerned with tobacco either on a personal level or commercially. Tobacco is associated with damages and thus it has been attacked by medical authorities and social observers. The fast food industry is no exception since it has also contributed to different damages to people’s health. Obesity is just one of the many ailments caused by fast food joints. FDA has made sureRead MoreThesis: Junk Food Consumption by Children During TV Watching921 Words  | 4 Pagesto inhibit junk food consumption by children during TV-watching Submitted by: Dr. John Doe Title: Fast food advertisements should not be shown during TV shows for children Topic: Fast food advertisements should not be shown during TV shows for children Research Classification: Applied Objective: to structure an instructional program that would inform paretns about the hazards of fast food advertisements during TV shows for children and how to control childrens eating junk foods as a result Background: Read MoreEssay On Cigarettes Should Be Banned707 Words  | 3 Pagesessence of restricting or completely banning cigarette advertising to reduce the number of affected individuals. Cigarettes have since time immemorial been established to cause a wide range of infections and diseases. The most common disease caused by cigarettes is cancer and since the drug affects smokers and non-smokers as well, there has been a widespread call to illegalize cigarette advertising. The rationale behind banning cigarette advertising is to reduce the influence that adverts have on youngRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article How Junk Food Can End Obesity844 Words  | 4 Pageschange the obesity rate? In the article â€Å"How Junk Food Can End Obesity,†the author David H. Freeman demonstrates how so many people are very poorly informed on the facts of processed foods and how bad it is for one’s health, he goes on to explain how wholesome foods are supposed to be primarily better for the health of an individual, but that is not necessarily true. In our society, we loudly blame processed food companies mainly directed at fast food companies, for the sole contribution to the increasingRead MoreFast Food Nation By Eric Schlosser1596 Words  | 7 Pagesby consumerism and big business. Companies selling cheap food and cheap goods are scattered across the nation in every state and town. This is Eric Schlosser’s main topic in his novel Fast Food Nation. From telling the start of the first fast food restaurants in America, to explaining how the food is made, Schlosser s covers the whole history of the world wide food phenomenon. Eric Schlosser is an American journalist and Author of Fast Food Nation. He was born in Manhattan, New York, but grew upRead MoreObesity Among Children And Children Essay1456 Words  | 6 Pagestable for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, because they have no control over their own meal. Sometimes children make their own decision on what they want to eat for lunch or dinner, but it is not always the right decision, because they do not know which food is good or bad for their health. Research shows that â€Å"Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in America have tripled, and today, nearly one in three children in America is overweight or obese†(Let’s move). There are three solutionsRead MoreNegative Influence of Advertising1524 Words  | 7 PagesNegative influence of advertising on society Advertising by definition is a paid form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, ideas, or services. We are taken into what the advertisers exactly want us to do - buy their products. Advertisements in themselves are not bad. They do perform an important role in the society and that is the promotion of products and services so that people will become aware ofRead MoreIs Fast Food Fat?926 Words  | 4 PagesIs Fast Food Fat? Over the past few decades the obesity rate along with the amount of fast food restaurants has increased at a drastic amount. In fact in the past thirty years the, â€Å"U.S. spending on fast food has risen from $6 Billion to $110 billion†(Jason P. Block) dollars. While there are many contributing factors, the fact of the matter is that the United States is growing to become one of the most obese countries in the entire world. Also it seems that in today’s times nobody can spare timeRead MoreYouth Obesity : Who Is Responsible?1446 Words  | 6 Pagesto fast food consumption. Over the past decade, lawyers and health advocates have tried to accuse fast food companies of the country’s growing obesity problem among children. Many customers have filed lawsuits against fast food restaurants blaming them for causing their children to gain weight. However, none of these cases have won in the courts and the main reason is that blaming the fast food companies exclusive ly would be too reductive. We will therefore argue that, in addition to the fast foodRead MoreReview of Eric Schlossers Fast Food Nation780 Words  | 3 PagesFast food nation We live in a world that is in a continuous process of transformation, considering that progress manages to control all the aspects of individuals life. Being part of a society which is always changing makes it essential for people have to adapt to all these aspects. One of the biggest problems for the American society is that it has no time to eat, since it is always on the run. Fast food came as the greatest solution for this problem. Since the process of modernization of the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Satire Of Jane Austen s Pride And Prejudice - 1764 Words
One of the most notable aspects of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, is the use of satire as a way to comment on English society in the 19th century. Austen’s satirical approach to analyzing societal norms gives the novel a comedic and lighthearted tone, while also educating the reader on faults in the social class in which she was raised. Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Collins serve as satirical objects of the society Pride and Prejudice depicts and are crucial in portraying Austen’s view on conventional attitudes towards marriage and women. Austen establishes her satirical view of these characters in the first line of the novel. The narrator states, It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.†(p.1). The plot of the novel surrounds this societal assumption and provides a medium for author Jane Austen to critique society. In the classic novel of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen uses satire as a way to critique the role of women and marriage. Jane Austen chooses to satirize Mr. Collins in order to comment on the misguided purpose of marriage. Mr. Collins exemplifies this in his proposal to Elizabeth Bennet. In his proposal, Mr. Collins says haughtily, â€Å"‘My situation in life, my connections with the family of de Bourgh, and my relationship to your own, are circumstances highly in my favour; and you should take it into further consideration, that in spite of your manifold attractions, it is by no means certainShow MoreRelatedSatire Of Being Earnest And Jane Austen s Pride And Prejudice1533 Words  | 7 Pagesorganized religion and a rigid class system. Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice use satire to reveal faults in these elements of society. Many of Wilde’s criticisms of society are provoked by his closeted homosexuality. He portrays religion as a restricting, meaningless convention and de picts the aristocratic class as a hypocritical and unempathetic lot. Austen similarly finds faults in these areas of society, but her opinions stem from her experiencesRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1189 Words  | 5 PagesLiterature April 21, 2016 Jane Austen s use of Satire in Pride and Prejudice Set in Nineteenth-century England, Jane Austen s Pride and Prejudice is a satirical novel focused on the ideals of social class and marriage. Austen plays on social behavior to show a society in which a woman s character is of the ultimate importance. A lady is expected to behave in a specific way and breaking the set social norms can put her at risk of being ostracized. In the 1800 s there were very little financialRead More Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice: Novel and Movie Essay652 Words  | 3 PagesJane Austens Pride and Prejudice: Novel and Movie Pride and Prejudice, the novel by Jane Austen, and Sense and Sensibility, the movie based on the novel by Austen, share many striking similarities. These similarities lie in the characters, plots and subplots between these characters, the settings, and the overall style and themes used in creating the two works. Jane Austen uses extremely similar characters in almost the exact same situation in Pride and Prejudice and Sense and SensibilityRead MorePride And Prejudice : A Comedy Of Characters1387 Words  | 6 PagesPride and Prejudice: A Comedy of Characters In Jane Austen s novel Pride and Prejudice, a subtle layer of comedy exists that is especially noticeable when very different characters are juxtaposed. This method is used to deepen characterization and make clear the intended satire. The distinct differences between characters help to bring out Austen’s subtle satire because the negative qualities of certain characters are more blatant when surrounded by opposing positive qualities in another characterRead MoreThe Theme of Society in Pride and Prejudice Essay976 Words  | 4 PagesOriginally written in the late 1700s, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice satirically depicts the universal ideals in Old Regency England, primarily regarding social class. Austen follows the development of an outspoken middle-class British woman, Elizabeth Bennet, as she encounters and overcomes the many social barriers that separate her from her wealthy upper-class neighbors. Throughout the novel, Lizzie must confront society’s cla ss-consciousness, particularly with her family’s growing relationshipRead MorePride and Prejudice: Exploring the Chasm Between Love and Marriage in Georgian England1675 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Pride and Prejudice†, is a novel which explores the huge chasm between love and marriage in Georgian England. Jane Austen’s presentation of passion and matrimony reiterates the fact that marriage is a â€Å"business arrangement†. Austen uses irony to make fun of polite society in this satire and Austen also emphasizes the point that social hierarchy dictates whom you can marry. The pressures of men and women in Georgian England are revealed through her exploration of the aristocracy’s prejudice againstRead MoreSeparation between Classes in the Movies, My Fair Lady and Pride and Prejudice1409 Words  | 6 Pagesmovies, Pride and Prejudice and My Fair Lady, represent different classes, and how they interact with each other. Even though the movies are set in different time periods, the interactions between the classes are very similar. Although both movies show the differences of the society classes, My Fair Lady shows the differences of the classes in a more obvious manner than Pride and Prejudice which tends to show the differences in a more subdued manner. In Joe Wright’s 2005 Pride and Prejudice, theRead MoreNontraditional Women in Jane Austen ´s Pride and Prejudice Essay983 Words  | 4 Pagessilently admiring the three commanding attitudes of these nontraditional women. For the 19th century, these women express attitudes that deviate from the typical stereotype. Pride and Prejudice offers Jane Austen’s take on the traditional 19th century woman through indirect characterization, tonal elements, and heavy satire and irony to portray the idea that flawed women (in the 19th century sense) hold the key to success. Charlotte Lucas, the rational, plain often overlooked character in Austen’sRead MorePride and Prejudice Research Paper2598 Words  | 11 PagesProgressive Work in a Conservative Time Pride and Prejudice, a Jane Austen novel, is one of the most classical pieces of literature in history. It has been evaluated and critiqued a countless number of times, and has been adapted into several films. It can be argued that there is a lot to be retained by readers from this literary work, an important message that can be passed down from generation to generation. During Jane Austen’s time, in the early 1800’s, women were around to be married off, bearRead MoreJane Austen s Pride And Prejudice1035 Words  | 5 PagesThe novel Pride and Prejudice was written by Jan Austen and first published in 1813. She had begun writing it in about 1796 after spending some time with her brother and his wife in Goodnestone Park. The book was first titled First Impressions but was renamed after a bookseller refused to see the manuscript. The genre of this novel is best described as a satire or novel of manners. The main character is Elizabeth Bennet and it follows her on her j ourney to understand manners, marriage, mortality
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Epidemiology and Etiology of Outlet Obstruction †
Question: Discuss about the Epidemiology and Etiology of Outlet Obstruction. Answer: Introduction: Alan Jones is 60-year-old man who was admitted to hospital for surgery following urinary symptoms that led to a diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). He has a history of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Alan lives alone but his adult son is with him on admission and reports that his father drinks a lot of alcohol (at least a bottle of wine per night). Alan was taken to surgery and underwent a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) under spinal anaesthesia. After 2 hours in the post-anaesthetic recovery room (PARU) he was transferred to the ward. He has continuous bladder irrigation via a three lumen urethral catheter. His urine contains large blood clots. After Alan was taken to the ward, it was detected that Alan was suffering from high Blood pressure, high heart rate and body temperature. He also reported difficulty to respiration and he reported no symptoms of pain in his body parts. However, he was detected with the benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The BPH is an extremely common form of disease. The advanced forms of the age of men are the risk factor for the enlarged form of the prostate. Half of all the men over 50 have developed the symptoms of BOH and only 10% of them proper medical or the surgical form of the interventions (Oelke et al., 2013). In the disease of benign prostrate hyperplasia, the prostrate tends to grow larger. It may be compressed from the urethras that have been coursed from the centre of the prostrate. This can effectually cause the urine back up in the bladder that leads to the increase in the frequency to urinate during day and night (da Silva et al., 2015). The other form of the common symptoms includes the low flow of the urine, the need to urgently urinate and have difficulty in starting of the stream of the urinary. The Benign prostrate hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged form of the prostate glands in men. The prostate gland surrounds the walls of the urethra. It acts as a tube those carriers the uri ne from the bladder to the out of the body (da Silva et al., 2015). However, when the prostate gland gets bigger it blocks and squeeze in the paths of the urethra. This causes a major of problem with the process of urinating. The BPH has occurred in almost all the men, as they tend to age (Oelke et al., 2013). The BPH is not a form of cancer. An enlarged form of the prostrate can be very big problem in future. However, it is not a very serious form of a problem. The Benign prostate hyperplasia is probably the normal part of the process of aging in men that are caused by the changes in the balances in the hormone and the growth in the cell (Oelke et al., 2013). The process of the hyperplastic in the prostrate begins in the periurethral region that includes the zone of the transition. These phenomenons are influenced due to several reasons that leads to the increase in the number of cells and the size of the epithelial and the stromal proliferation or the apoptosis. The capsule of the prostate is another form of the developed that are caused by the LUTS by transmitting the several form of the pressure of the expansion of the tissue that have the expansion to the urethra and the increased form of the resistance of the urethra (Patel Parsons, 2014). Despite there are a significant success in the use of the alp-ha blockers and the alpha reductase inhibitors are in the reducing rates of the risks of the progression of the LUTS, 20% of the men with BPH will have to experience the urinary retention that are related to the prostate may require surgery that can be within one year after the initiation of the drug. After the procedure, it is very likely to place the catheter in the place because there is a swelling that may eventually block the flow of the urine (Mehta Baikady, 2015). However, if the patient is unable to urinate after the tube has been removes, the doctors reinserts the catheter and allows few times of the day until the swelling goes down and the patient can urinate very normally. The patients may experience several side effects after going through the surgery. However, these side effects are not so much threatening (Mehta Baikady, 2015). The first side effect that can be observed is the occurrence of blood in the urine. It is a very normal phenomenon to see the blood for the few days after the procedure. The doctors help can be needed when there are clots in the urine or the bleeding is worsened. The second effect is the irritation symptom in the urinary tract. The patient might feel the urgent need to urinate or you might have the habit to urinate late at night. However, post the surgery, most of the men faces the burning effect at the tip of their penis and near the end of the urination. However, with some of the laser surgery these symptoms can last for weeks or even for months depending on the how much time they need to heal and also depends on the size of the prostate of the patient (Mehta Baikady, 2015). However, the other form of the problem that are seen in the patients are the patients finding it difficult to hold the urine. This inconsistence can occur as the bladder of the patient is used for having to push the urine through the urethra that is narrowed by the enlarged form of the tissues of the prostrate. In case of most of the men, this kind of issue resolves with time. However, depending on the type of the prostrate the laser surgery is given to the patients and they have to stay in the hospital overnight before getting the discharge and going home. However, the doctor always recommends the patients to take the surgery without any stress. They asks the patients not to take any form of strenuous activities such as the lifting of heavy weight until they improves (Nicholson, 2015). The doctor also advices the patients not do get involved in any sexual activity as it can cause more pain and bleeding. Lastly, the patients need to follow proper form of medications. The national trial of the treatment of the Emphysema used as the multidisciplinary approach for implementing the maximum rate of the protocol for the medical care that includes the adjustments of the medications and the outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation for all the patients and the nutritional counselling are also needed. The interdisciplinary team normally consists of the dieticians, physiotherapist and the antitheist for the case of Alan. However, this phenomenon discusses the benefits of the approach in the care of the patients with the chronic form of the obstructions that can cause the pulmonary diseases. The role of the team members is to complement each other and to contribute to the major goal of providing an excellent quality of the medical care (Nicholson, 2015). The focus of the team is to reinforce the plans of the medical fields and to provide the best possible form of the care to the education of the patient and provide great support. However, it reviews the initial form of the elements of the assessment of the patients and for the nutritional assessment of the patients. By developing a plan, it can be assessed that the initial plan of care begins with the assessment of the patient (Bagla et al., 2015). The completed history and the physical examination can be obtained from the patients and there if it is needed there are various inputs from the support person. The dietician also plays an integral part in their case. The patient is prescribed to take less amount of water for the night as it will cause less pressure on the bladder of the patient. The physiotherapists are involved for giving the various forms of physiotherapy to improve the flow of urine of the patients. As the patient was given spinal anaesthesia, the anaesthetist should give a proper amount of anaesthesia to have a smooth surgery of the patient. References Bagla, S., Martin, C. P., van Breda, A., Sheridan, M. J., Sterling, K. M., Papadouris, D., ... van Breda, A. (2014). Early results from a United States trial of prostatic artery embolization in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology,25(1), 47-52. Biardeau, X., Aharony, S., Campeau, L., Corcos, J. (2016). Artificial urinary sphincter: report of the 2015 consensus conference.Neurourology and urodynamics,35(S2). da Silva, R. 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Sunday, April 12, 2020
HRM Practice on Jamuna Bank Essay Example
HRM Practice on Jamuna Bank Essay Background of the study: Introductory Part 1. 1 Preface: In today’s world, education is the imperative tool for understand the real world and apply knowledge for betterment of the society as like as in business sector. From the education session the theoretical knowledge is obtained from various analyses throughout the programs, which is only the half way of the subject matter. As practical orientation is an integral part of the BBA program, every student is sent by the department to different organization to take real life exposure from the activities of the organization, which is known as â€Å"Internship Program†. That program is taken when the student is at the leg of his/her Bachelor Degree. Internship program brings student closer to the real life situation and thereby helps to launch a career graduates within the local environment with knowledge and skill to provide leadership in enterprise, public service and Welfare of Their society. Internship placement of this department is a step towards fulfilling this commitment by giving students an opportunity to get ready for the real world before they enter their practical life. Involvement of the banking sector in different financial events is increasing day by day. At the same time the financial arena is becoming faster, customer focused and its involvement got unavoidable in their everyday life. Now a day, it has become essential for every person to have some ideas on the economics and mostly on banking procedure. In the internship program, each student is attached with an organization . Under this program students of BBA faculty must go through an internship program of 3 months duration. After completion of several credit theories from the department of the Business Studies faculty, students are sent to different organizations to expose them real life scenario . We will write a custom essay sample on HRM Practice on Jamuna Bank specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on HRM Practice on Jamuna Bank specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on HRM Practice on Jamuna Bank specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The theoretical knowledge that students acquire from class lecture, books, journals, case studies, seminars etc is replenished in the practical settings. My internship placement was at Jamuna Bank Limited, Jubilee Road Islamic Banking Branch. I was asked to prepare internship paper on the assigned topic of â€Å"Prospectus of HRM Practice in Private Bank by a Case Study in Jamuna Bank Ltd†1. 2 Objective of the study: A. General: The general objective of this study is to know about HRM system Problem in private banks in Bangladesh regarding Jamuna Bank Ltd that has been performed by HRD. B. Specific: * To familiarize with practical job environment. * To have an exposure on the financial institutions such as banking environment of Bangladesh * To gain experience on different functions of banking business in Bangladesh. * To know about the Human Resource practice in Jamuna Bank Ltd in banking sector. * To know about the Human Resource policies and practices at Jamuna Bank Ltd. * To know about Human Resource planning in Jamuna Bank Ltd. * To gather the actual knowledge about the Human Resource operations in the organizations. * To know about the training development methods. To know performance appraisal system. * To identify the problems if any. * To provide suggestions. * To identify the problem and the lacking of man power. * To identify the problem of HRM departments * To provide the solution for better HRD system * To ensure the workforce regarding HRM 1. 3 Methodology of the Study: In order to complete this report I proceeded through a work plan. I physically visit ed and discussed with executives of Jamuna Bank Ltd become conversant with the banks philosophy, working procedures, management system and decision making process of the banks. The details of the work plan are furnished below: Primary Data: * Practical work exposure. * Face to face conversation with respective officers stuffs. * Data collection by own supervision. Secondary Data: * Annual report 2010 2011 of Jamuna Bank Ltd. * Official website of the bank. * Various books, Articles etc. * Periodicals published by Bangladesh Bank. 1. 4 Data collection method: * Relevant data for this report has been collected primarily by direct investigations of different records, papers, documents etc. perational process and different concerned personnel. The interviews they’re administered by formal and informal discussion. No structured questionnaire has been used. Information regarding office activities of the bank has been collected through consulting bank records and discussion with office personnel. Data Strategies: * The information and data for this report have been collected from both the primary and secondary Strategies. 1. 5 Scope of the study: The stud y is only related in Jamuna Bank Limited, Jubilee Branch, and Chittagong. This report focuses on the overview of management organizational structure and mainly HRM Policy others functional departments such as Accounts, Foreign Exchange Remittance, Loan Advance, customer service, SME etc. I have learned the procedure and policies relevant to their work. 1. 6 Limitations of the study: Although I have got co-operation from employee of Jamuna Bank Ltd, Jubilee Br. they also gave me much time to make this report properly in the way of my study, I have faced many problems that may be termed as the limitation/shortcoming of the study. . Time limits: It should be certainly mentioned that the time constraints is that first limitation of the study. Only three months is not sufficient for gather prefect knowledge on the vast area of the â€Å"Human Resource Management its problems†2. Data Collection: †¢ In some cases they could not be able to supply my topic related data for preparing a more in depth presentation. †¢ It was also seen that maxim um time they are found busy and many officers related my topics are not able to give enough time and briefings due to insufficiency of time. 3. Lack of Practical Knowledge: For the lack of their practical knowledge, some shortcoming may be available in the Paper. In some cases, I could not practically involve because of bank’s limitations and for riskiness. 4. Personal Limitations: My personal limitations also contributed greatly in making the study. 2. 1 Banking System in Bangladesh: Banks constitute an important segment of the financial infrastructure of any country. The economic history of many countries reveals that economic development and growth of financial infrastructure go hand in hand. Bangladesh Bank is the central bank of the country that controls the total banking system of the state. Structure of Banking System in Bangladesh is as follows: Bangladesh Bank Development Financial Instructions Commercial Banks Specialized banks Nationalized Commercial Banks Denationalized Banks Private Commercial Banks Banks run on Islamic Principals Foreign Banks 2. 2 Role of Private Banks in the Economic development of Bangladesh: Now days, private bank deal with a large number of matters. By introducing medium of stocks, share and other valuables they help economic activities of this country. Bankers collect a small amount of deposits from the public and help in the formation of capital and simultaneously help in the development in the industry, commerce, trade, agriculture etc. by providing loans and advances to entrepreneurs. They advance money on securities, and issue letters of credit, traveler’s cheques, ATM credit cards; circular notes etc. moreover, private banking companies may engage themselves in the following activities: * The Borrowing, raising or taking up the money Acting as a agents for the government or local authority or any other persons * Contracting for private or public loans and negotiating and issuing the same * Underwriting, participating in management and carrying out of any issue, public or private of government, municipal or other loaners of shares, stocks, debentures of any company, corporation of association and the lending of money for the purpose of any such issue * Carrying in and transacting every kind of guarantee and industry bus iness * Managing, dealing and realizing any property that may come into the possession of the company in satisfaction of its claims. Acquiring and holding and generally dealing with any right, title or interest in any such property which may be connected with any such security. * Undertaking and executing trust * Undertaking the administration of estates as executor, trustee or otherwise. These services of the private banks make major role in the economic development of their country. The prime objectives of the private bank are to help industrialization and commerce in the country and thereby contribute its mite to the national development. With these ends in view it has planned diversified investment portfolio. 2. 3 Historical Review of Jamuna Bank Limited: Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) is a Banking Company registered under the Companies Act, 1994 with its Head Office at Chini Shilpa Bhaban, 3, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000. The Bank started its operation from 3rd June 2001. The Bank under takes all types of banking transactions to support the development of trade and commerce of the country. JBLs services are also available for the entrepreneurs to set up new ventures and BMRE of industrial units. Jamuna Bank Ltd. the only Bengali named new generation private commercial bank was established by a group of winning local entrepreneurs conceiving an idea of creating a model banking institution with different outlook to offer the valued customers, a comprehensive range of financial services and innovative products for sustainable mutual growth and prosperity. The sponsors are reputed personalities in the field of trade, commerce and industries. The Bank is being managed and operated by a group of highly educated and professional team with diversified experience in finance and banking. The Management of the bank constantly focuses on understanding and anticipating customer’s needs. The scenario of banking business is changing day by day, so the banks responsibility is to device strategy and new products to cope with the changing environment. Jamuna Bank Ltd. has already achieved tremendous progress within only ten years. The bank has already ranked as one of top quality service providers is known for its reputation. At present the Bank has real-time centralized Online banking branches (Urban Rural) throughout the Country having smart IT-Backbone. Besides these traditional delivery points, the bank has ATM of its own, sharing with other partner banks Consortium throughout the Country. 2. 4 Current Profile of Jamuna Bank Ltd: Within a short span of time Jamuna Bank has established itself as one of the fast growing local private banks. It has at present a network of 68 branches serving many of the leading corporate houses and is gradually moving towards retail banking. Another significant delivery channel is its own as shared ATM Network. Jamuna Bank has a network of 63 ATMs out of which 30 ATMs are ts owned. The other 33 are under common ownership as a member of Cash Link Bangladesh. Since its humble beginning in 2001, it set milestone by acquiring the business operations. The Board of Jamuna Bank comprises 15 Directors who possess a wide range of skills experiences over a range of professions. Md. Belal Hossain is the Chairman of the Board is the vice chairman of the board. The asset and liability growth has been remarkable . By Dec 2011 the total asset of the Bank grew to Tk. 7,712,39,07,521, increase of almost 28. 65% comparing to 2010. Deposits of the bank Are Tk. 6,067,35,64,672 during. Loans Advances reached Tk. 52,706,325,403. In 2011, Jamuna Bank achieved an operating profit of Tk. 991,180,577 Compared with Tk. 756,465,783 in previous year, a growth of 37. 39%. Jamuna Bank has been actively participating in the local money market as foreign currency market without exposing the Bank to vulnerable positions. The Bank’s investment in Treasury Bills and other securities noticeably opening up opportunities for enhancing income in the context of a regime of gradual interest rate decline. Jamuna Bank is maintaining its competitiveness by leveraging on its Online Banking Software and modern IT infrastructure. It is the pioneer amongst the local banks in introducing innovative products like internet banking, and under the ATM Network the Stellar Online Banking software enables direct linking of a client’s account, without the requirement for a separate account. Jamuna Bank has acted as the lead arranger in rising term loan for a number of projects under syndicated finance and also participated in some cases under such financing arrangement . The management of Jamuna Bank is determined to maintain and upgrade the quality of these Resources through continuous training upgrading technology to keep pace with market demands, new developments and practices of the competitors. Jamuna Bank entered the market at a line when economic policy environment of the country is poised for higher levels of business activities and growth. The prevailing macroeconomic management and the government’s determination to carry on reforms in the banking sector provide a supporting and encouraging environment. The bank has been restructured their seven main business which are responsible for earning the revenues of the bank. These are: Corporate Banking Personal Banking International Trade Finance Offshore Banking Services SME Banking Treasury and Cards 2. 5 Authorized Paid-up Capital: The Authorized Paid-up capital of the bank are tk 2,230,088,400. 2. 6 Corporate Information: Auditors: ACNABIN. Chartered Accountants BDBL Bhobon (13thFloor) 12 Kawran Bazar Commercial Area Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh. Registered Office:Jamuna Bank Limited Head Office 3, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh Tel: 9570912, 9555141, Ext. 130 Fax: 880-2-9565762 website: www. jamunabankbd. com Engr. A. K. M. Mosharraf Hussain Al-haj M. A. Khayer 2. 7 Board of Directors: Golam Dastagir Gazi (Bir Protik) Fazlur Rahman Md. Sirajul Islam Varosha Md. Mahmudul Hoque MajumderShaheen Mahmud Md. Ismail Hossain Siraji Farhad Ahmed Akand Kanutosh Gazi Golam Murtoza Siraji Engr. Md. Atiqur Rahman Al-HajNur Mohammed A. S. M. Abdul Halim Independent Director 2. 8 Mission, Vision Slogan: MISSION: The Bank is committed to satisfying diverse needs of its customers through an array of products at a competitive price by using appropriate technology and providing timely service so that a sustainable growth, reasonable return and contribution to the development of the country can be ensured with a motivated and professional work-force. VISION: To become a leading banking institution and to play a pivotal role in the development of the country. SLOGAN: â€Å"Your partner for growth†MANAGING DIRECTOR / CEO 2. 9 MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY OF JAMUNA BANK LTD: DEPUTY MANAGING DIRECTOR SENIOR EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (SEVP) EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (EVP) SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT (SVP) VICE PRESIDENT (VP) FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (FVP) ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT (AVP) FIRST ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT (FAVP) SENIOR EXECUTIVE OFFICER M. T. O. EXECUTIVE OFFICER SENIOR OFFICER PROBATIONARY OFFICER OFFICER JUNIOR OFFICER ASSISTANT OFFICER BANKING OFFICER TELLER / TRAINEE OFFICER / RECEPTIONIST 2. 10 Functions of Jamuna Bank Ltd. i. The Main task of Jamuna Bank Limited is to accept deposited from various customers through various accounts. i. Provide loans on easy terms and conditions. iii. It creates loan deposits. iv. The bank invest it fund into profitable sectors. v. The bank is doing the transaction of bill of exchange, cheque etc. on behalf of the clients. vi. Jamuna Bank Ltd. assists in the Foreign Exchange by issuing Letter of Credit. vii. The Bank issues securities of valuable documents of clients. viii. It brings the increasing profit of dimension of transaction. 2. 11 Values of Jamuna Bank Ltd: Strategies of Jamuna Bank Ltd: To manage and operate the Bank in the most efficient manner to enhance financial performance and to control cost of fund| * To strive for customer satisfaction through quality control and delivery of timely services| * To identify customers credit and other banking needs and monitor their perception towards their performance in meeting those requirements. | * To review and update policies, procedures and practices to enhance the ability to extend better service to customers. | * To train and develop all employees and provide them adequate Resources so that customers needs can be reasonably addressed. * To promote organizational effectiveness by openly communicating company plans, policies, practices and procedures to employees in a timely fashion| Objectives of Jamuna Bank Ltd: * To earn and maintain CAMEL Rating Strong| * To establish relationship banking and improve service quality through development of Strategic Marketing Plans. | * To remain one of the best banks in Bangladesh in terms of profitability and assets quality. | * To introduce fully automated systems through integration of information technology. | * To ensure an adequate rate of return on investment. * To develop and retain a quality work-force through an effective human Resources Management System. | Business Objectives of Jamuna Bank Ltd: * Ensure 100% recovery of all advances. * Ensure a satisfied work force. * Make a sound loan and investment. * Build up a low cost fund base. * Meet capital adequacy recruitment at all the time. * Focus on fee based income. 2. 12 Products services of the jamuna bank ltd. 2. 12. 1 Corporate Banking The motto of JBLs Corporate Banking services is to provide personalized solutions to their customers. The Bank distinguishes and identifies corporate customers need and designs tailored solutions accordingly. Jamuna Bank Ltd. offers a complete range of advisory, financing and operational services to its corporate client groups combining trade, treasury, investment and transactional banking activities in one package. Whether it is project finance, term loan, import or export deal, a working capital requirement or a forward cover for a foreign currency transaction, their Corporate Banking Managers will offer you the accurate solution. Corporate Banking business envelops a broad range of following sectors mainly: * Agro processing industry * Industry (Import Substitute / Export oriented * Textile Spinning, Dyeing Printing                                                                                               Export Oriented Garments, Industries. Food Allied Paper Paper Products Engineering, Steel Mills Chemical and chemical products etc. * Telecommunications. * Information Technology * Real Estate Construction  · * Wholesale trade * Transport  · Hotels, Restaurants  · * Non Bank Financial Institutions Loan Syndication  · * Project Finance  · Investment Banking * Lease Finance  · Hire Purchase  · Intern ational Banking  · * Export Finance * Import Finance 2. 12. 2 Deposit: A strong deposit base is necessary for success of a Bank. During the year 2011 the Bank mobilized a substantial amount of deposit from mid-level income group people under Short Term Deposit (STD). Total Deposits in the year 2011 was TK. 62,875,675,561. JBL offers the following key Personal Banking Services: * Current Deposit Account * Savings Deposit Account * Short Term Deposit Account * Fixed Deposit Account No limit to the number of withdrawals * No minimum balance fee * Statement of account at their desired frequency * Free cheque book * Q-Cash Round the Clock Banking * All types of general banking facilities * Deposits : Graphical view (in millions) 2011201020112010 2. 12. 3 Loan Advance: Advances constitute the most significant indicator of the health of a Bank. The bank has formulated its policy to give priority to Small and Medium Enterprise (SME). And at the same time the bank is financing large-scale enterprise through consortium of banks. Jamuna Bank is committed to maintain a very high quality of assets. Close monitoring and efficient asset management has resulted in minimal creation of classified loans to total loans and advances. Total Loans and Advances amounted Tk 2,671,524,596 in 2011 against TK 1,072,839,508 in 2010. Jamuna Bank’s Advance portfolio is well diversified and covers a wide range of business and industries. The sectors financed include Manufacturing, Trading, Construction, Agriculture, Fishing Forestry, Pharmaceuticals, Information Technology, Customer Credit and Steel amongst others. 2. 12. 4 Personal Banking Division: Personal Banking Division (PBD) introduces to the customers with a variety of products. Their PBD continuously meets the challenges of developing new products and services to match the specific requirements of customers. Personal Banking Division (PBD) issues both VISA Debit Cards and VISA Credit Cards. VISA is the renowned Card brand in the earth. Jamuna Bank Limited is a principal member of VISA Worldwide. Remittance Cell is another successful wing of the Personal Banking Division. Their product range includes: 1) VISA Debit Cards You can now avail the convenience of VISA Debit Card. It is the easiest and the most secured way of utilizing their money for 24/7 retail purchases as Well as cash withdrawal. VISA Credit Cards The JBL Credit Card gives you a fast, convenient and reliable way to pay, 24 theories a day, wherever you are in the world. * VISA Classic * VISA Gold 2) International Credit Cards – JBL International Credit Cards (VISA) allows you flexibility and convenience when you travel internationally. The VISA International card entitles you to exclusive discounts worldwide. * VISA Dual (Gold) 3)JBL Remittance Cell – â€Å"Remit Fast†is the motto of JBL Remittance Cell. It provides the best faster services to its customers and connects the world through the renowned money exchange agencies. Such as Placid Nk Corporation, Moneygram Payment System Inc. 2. 12. 5 International Trade Finance: International Trade forms the major business activity undertaken by Jamuna Bank Ltd. The Bank with its worldwide correspondent network and close relationships with key financial institutions provides an extensive trade services network to handle their transactions efficiently. Their key branches throughout the country and Offshore Banking Unit (OBU) are staffed by personnel experienced in International Trade Finance. These offices are the focal point for processing import and Export transactions for both small and large corporate customers. They offer a complete range of Trade Finance services. Their professionals will work with you to develop solutions tailored to meet their requirements, through mobilizing their full range of trade services locally, and drawing on their global Resources. They can offer you professional advice on all aspects of International Trade requirements, namely: * Issuing, advising and confirming of Documentary Credits. * Pre-shipment and post-shipment finance. * Negotiation and purchase of Export Bills. * Discounting of Bills of Exchange. * Collection of Bills. * Foreign Currency Dealing etc. Offshore Banking Services Jamuna Bank Limited offers the following range of Offshore Banking services:- * Foreign Currency Deposits (Non Resident entities and NRBs), * Loans in Foreign Currencies, * Credit Facilities including Trade Financing, * Negotiation / Purchase of Export Bills, * Discounting of Export Bills, * Corporate Treasury Services etc. 2. 12. 6 NRB- Banking Foreign Remittance: Jamuna Bank Ltd is one of the most technologically advanced private commercial bank in the country having wide branch associate network throughout the Country. All the branches are running with real-time Online and ATM facilities to settle their transaction from remote areas. They have dedicated NRB desk to ensure personalized services to the valued customers at branch Head Office Level. They have an admirable Remittance Tie-up with a good number of world renowned Exchange Houses and Banks throughout the World to facilitate the Remittance services to the beneficiaries in both as Instant Cash (payment over the counter) and Account credit. Besides Their 66 branch network and ATM outlets throughout the Country, They have also a strong Remittance Settlement Network with different associate Banks, NGOs and Post Office, which cover more than 1000 remote locations throughout the Country. Their main purpose is to cater to the needs of NRBs their beneficiaries offering different products and services both deposit and investment like, FC A/C, NFCD A/C, FC Term Deposit, Wage earners development Bond, USD Premium Bond, USD Investment Bond, Govt. Treasury Bond, Investment in Capital Market through None Resident Investment Taka Account (NITA), Monthly Deposit Scheme, Monthly Income scheme, Double/ Triple growth deposit Scheme, Lakhopoti Deposit Scheme, Millionaire Deposit Scheme, Kotipoti Deposit Scheme, Education Savings Scheme, Marriage Deposit Scheme, Consumer Credit, etc. Prioritizing the needs of NRBs, They are in process to offer different personalized products services by establishing JBL own Exchange Houses in different Countries like UK, USA, Malaysia, Singapore, Italy, Spain, Australia, Japan, etc. They value their customers to provide prompt efficient services offering best competitive price for their hard-earning Foreign Currencies to facilitate Bangladesh bound remittance globally. 2. 12. 7 REAL ESTATE FINANCING Home ownership is a basic need and a dream of every individual. Since housing industry plays a vital role in the national economy, their bank has come forward for Real Estate financing for Individual as Developers. The main objective of Real Estate Financing is to promote Real Estate Developers and Individuals. Scope of Real Estate Loan: * For Construction of Residential Building [CRB] For Construction of Commercial Building [CCB] * For Flat Purchase [FP] * For Building Purchase [BP] * For Developers [DEV] * Purpose: 1) Construction / Extension / Renovation of Residential / Commercial Building. 2) Purchase of Building /Flat /Office Space /Chamber /Shops. * Minimum Income : 1) Net Income/Take home salary will be at least Tk. 40,000/-[forty thousand] per month. * Maxi mum Loan Size : 2) For Flat Purchase Tk. 75. 00 (seventy five) lac 3) For Building Purchase/Construction of Residential Building Tk. 100. 00 (one hundred) lac * Maximum Loan Tenure ) Up-to 15 (fifteen) years including 01(one) year grace period. * Maximum Loan Ratio: 2) 50% of total Purchase Price for Flat / Building. 3) 60% of total Construction cost for Residential/Commercial Building. 2. 12. 8 Credit Facilities: * The main focus of Jamuna Bank Ltd. Credit Line/Program is financing business, trade and industrial activities through an effective delivery system. * Jamuna Bank Ltd. offers credit to almost all sectors of commercial activities having productive purpose. * The loan portfolio of the Bank encompasses a wide range of credit programs. Credit is also offered to major thrust sectors, as earmarked by the govt. , at a reduced interest rate to develop frontier industries. * Credit facilities are offered to individuals including housewives, businessmen, small and big business hous es, traders, manufactures, corporate bodies, etc. * Loan is provided to the rural people for agricultural production and other off-farm activities. * Loan pricing system is customer friendly. * Prime customers enjoy prime rate in lending and other services. * Quick appreciation, appraisal, decision and disbursement are ensured. Credit facilities are extended as per guidelines of Bangladesh Bank (Central Bank of Bangladesh) and operational procedures of the Bank. 2. 12. 9 Foreign Trade: International Trade forms the major business activity undertaken by Jamuna Bank Ltd. The Bank with its worldwide correspondent network and close relationships with key financial institutions provides an extensive trade services network to handle their transactions efficiently. Their key branches throughout the country and Offshore Banking Unit (OBU) are staffed by personnel experienced in International Trade Finance. These offices are the focal point for processing import and Export transactions for both small and large corporate customers. They offer a complete range of Trade Finance services. Their professionals will work with you to develop solutions tailored to meet their requirements, through mobilizing Their full range of trade services locally, and drawing on Their global Resources. They can offer you professional advice on all aspects of International Trade requirements, namely: * Issuing, advising and confirming of Documentary Credits. * Pre-shipment and post-shipment finance. Negotiation and purchase of Export Bills. * Discounting of Bills of Exchange. * Collection of Bills. * Foreign Currency Dealing etc. 2. 12. 10 Import Business: The Bank gained amounting to TK 67,434,512 during 2011 showing a growth of 30. 0% over the volume of Tk. 51,239,873 in the year 2010. 2. 12. 11 Export Business: The total export handling by the bank amounted to TK. 3,965,839,730 for the year 2011 compared to TK 1,372,200,000 for 2010. Import Export: Graphical View 2. 12. 12 Corporate Banking: The motto of JBLs Corporate Banking services is to provide personalized solutions to their customers. The Bank distinguishes and identifies corporate customers need and designs tailored solutions accordingly. Jamuna Bank Ltd. offers a complete range of advisory, financing and operational services to its corporate client groups combining trade, treasury, investment and transactional banking activities in one package. Whether it is project finance, term loan, import or export deal, a working capital requirement or a forward cover for a foreign currency transaction, Their Corporate Banking Managers will offer you the accurate solution. Their corporate Banking specialists will render high class service for speedy approvals and efficient processing to satisfy customer needs. 2. 12. 13 International Trade Finance: International Trade forms the major business activity undertaken by Jamuna Bank Ltd. The Bank with its worldwide correspondent network and close relationships with key financial institutions provides an extensive trade services network to handle their transactions efficiently. Their key branches throughout the country and Offshore Banking Unit (OBU) are staffed by personnel experienced in International Trade Finance. These offices are the focal point for processing import and Export transactions for both small and large corporate customers. They offer a complete range of Trade Finance services. Their professionals will work with you to develop solutions tailored to meet their requirements, through mobilizing their full range of trade services locally, and drawing on Their global Resources. They can offer you professional advice on all aspects of International Trade requirements. 2. 12. 14 Shop Finance Scheme: Objectives: 01. To enable the small business community to run the business smoothly 02. Facilitating expansion of the existing businesses 03. To improve the banking habit of self employed persons 04. To diversify banks lending to Small ; Medium Enterprises (SME) which are considered as less risky and help community developments. It may be noted down that the government is also encouraging investment in SME sector. 2. 12. 15 Consumer Banking: The consumer finance center has diversified its products ; facilities along with various incentives to customers having long relationship through recurring deposit accounts. They provide consumer loan for various products which are given below. . 12. 16 Q-Cash Round The Clock Banking: Jamuna Bank Q-Cash ATM Card enables you to withdraw cash and do a variety of banking transactions 24 theories a day. Q-Cash ATMs are conveniently located covering major shopping centers, business and residential areas in major cities. The network will expand to cover the whole country within a short span of time. With their Jamuna Bank Q-Cash ATM ca rd you can: * Cash withdrawal Round The Clock from any Q-Cash logo marked ATM booths. * POS transaction (shopping malls, restaurants, etc) * Enjoy overdraft facilities on the card (if approved) Utility Bill Payment facilities * Cash transaction facilities for selective branches nationwide * ATM service available in Dhaka and Chittagong Withdrawal allocated from ATMs of Jamuna Bank Ltd. , AB Bank, The City Bank, Janata Bank, IFIC Bank, Mercantile Bank, Pubali Bank, Eastern Bank Ltd. respectively * And more to come Is Q-Cash In line with the issuance of Q-cash products JBL is going to introduce VISA card very soon. 2. 12. 17 Product Service on Credit: Product Service Consumer Credit Scheme (Coverage) Debit Cards Credit Cards Commercial Credit 1. House finance 2. Auto loan 3. Consumer durable loan 4. Loans for Professionals 5. Unsecured Personal loan 6. Senior citizen support 1. ATM Card 2. Credit Card 1. Over Draft (OD) 2. Secured Over Draft (SOD) 3. Term loan Other Facilities: Export, Import Post Import Financing (L/C,BBLC,LTR,PC) 1. Bills discounting 2. Bills purchase 3. Bank guarantee 2. 12. 18 Trading of Government Treasury bond Other Govt. Securities: Jamuna Bank Limited has been nominated as a Primary Dealer by the Bangladesh Bank for trading 5 years 10 Years Treasury Bonds and other Government Securities. 1. Eligibility criteria: )Individuals and institutions resident in Bangladesh, including provident funds, pension funds, bank and corporate bodies shall be eligible to purchase the BGTBs. b)Individuals and institutions not resident in Bangladesh shall also be eligible to purchase  the BGTBs, with coupon payment and resale/redemption proceeds transferable abroad in foreign currency subject to fulfillment of conditions as mentioned in the Bangladesh Govt. Treasury Bond Rules-2003. 2. Loan facility: JBL offers loan up to 95% of the present value of the bond/other securities against lien of the above instrument for their customers. Interested Financial Institutions/Corporations/Insurance Companies/ Individuals are requested to contact the Bank in the following address: 2. 12. 19 Remittance: Jamuna Bank has been involved in serving the remitter for the last 6 years and the volume of remittance is increasing every year . In 2011 , it reached Tk. 15,555 million . At present, the Bank’s global partners in remittance system are 21 in numbers. * 5 Years Performance of Remittance : (million) 2. 12. 20 Highlights of Jamuna Bank Ltd’s Performance: * Table-2. 1: Highlight of BA Ltd. Performance Particulars| 2010| 2011| Deposits and other accounts| 60,673,564,672| 62,875,675,561| Loans Advances| 1,072,839,508| 2,971,524,596| Foreign Trade| 83,697,730| 87,536,380| Investment| 10,891,022,386| 12,228,148,092| Total Assets| 71,063,772,785| 77,123,907,521| Operational Profit| 35,582,311| 632,114573| Profit After Tax provision| 140,684,279| 330,571,434| Import| 50,985,000| 67,378,308| Export| 25,155,309| 30,953,405| Remittance(Inward)| 11,648,300| 15,555,120| Classified Loans| 172,670,535| 785,078,887| Earnings Per share (TK. )| 60,820,590| 90,456,885| Net Assets Value Per Share (TK. )| 191. 14| 230. 98| Return on Equity| 25. 00%| 42. 03%| Proportion of Value Addition : Year 2011 2. 12. 21 Islamic Banking Operation: To meet the growing demand of Muslim people Jamuna Bank Ltd. introduced Islamic Banking alongside the conventional banking through opening of Islamic Windows at its Jubilee road Branch, Chittagong Noyabazar Branch, Dhaka on 24. 12. 2010. The operation of Islamic Window is totally different from the Bank’s conventional operation as the former operate their business on the basis of Islamic Shariah. Income sharing module, a unique model of Jamuna Bank Ltd, is a vital element of Islamic Banking operation. The management of the Bank already planned to open new branches with Islamic Banking covering the whole country. All Islamic Banking activities are guided monitored by the Shariah Council of the Bank. The Shariah Council consists of 11 members including some elite Islamic scholars of the country. The Islamic Banking Wing started with some customer focused products, like * Mudaraba Savings Scheme (MSS) * Al-Wadiah Current Account (AWCA) Mudaraba Special Notice Deposit Account (MSND),M * Mudaraba term Deposit Account (MTDA), * Mudaraba Hajj * Mudaraba Deposit Pension Scheme (MDPS), and * Mudaraba Monthly Profit Paying Deposit Scheme (MMPPDS). 2. 12. 22 ATM: Currently Jamuna Bank customers have access to 63 ATMs . Out of which 30 are banks owned and 33 are under common ownership as member of Cash Link Bangladesh . The Bank is in the process of setting up its own ATM network at eve ry important point in Dhaka, Chittagong, and other areas of the country with a view to providing retail banking service. . 12. 23 Treasury Foreign Exchange: Bank’s treasury sells foreign currencies to its customers for import payment and buys foreign currencies from exporters out of their export proceeds and inward remittance from various exchange houses. Along with managing local currency , Treasury monitors Bank’s inflow and outflow of foreign currency . 2. 12. 24 Online Banking: Jamuna Bank Limited has introduced real-time any branch banking on April 05, 2005. Now, customers can withdraw and deposit money from all branches located throughout the Country. Their valued customers can also enjoy 24 theories banking service through ATM card from any of Q-cash ATMs located at different location throughout the Country. All the existing customers of Jamuna Bank Limited will enjoy this service by default. Key features: * Centralized Database * Platform Independent * Real time any branch banking * Internet Banking Interface * ATM Interface * Corporate MIS facility Delivery Channels: * Branch Network * ATM Network * POS (Point of Sales) Network * Internet Banking Network 2. 12. 25 Foreign Currency Accounts: Following the liberalization of exchange controls Bangladesh Bank has authorized the banks to maintain different types of foreign currency accounts and convertible taka accounts. The following are the regulations laid down by Bangladesh in respect of these accounts. 2. 12. 26 SWIFT Jamuna Bank Limited is the member of SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication). SWIFT is a member owned co-operative, which provides a fast and accurate communication network for financial transactions such as Letters of Credit, Fund transfer etc. By becoming a member of SWIFT, the bank has opened up possibilities for uninterrupted connectivity with over 5,700 user institutions in 150 countries around the world. SWIFT No. : JAMUBDDH 2. 12. 27 Trading of Government Treasury Bond Other Govt. Securities Jamuna Bank Limited has been nominated as a Primary Dealer by the Bangladesh Bank for trading 5 years 10 Years Treasury Bonds and other Government Securities. 1. Eligibility criteria: i) Individuals and institutions resident in Bangladesh, including provident funds, pension funds, bank and corporate bodies shall be eligible to purchase the BGTBs. i) Individuals and institutions not resident in Bangladesh shall also be eligible to purchase the BGTBs, with coupon payment and resale/redemption proceeds transferable abroad in foreign currency subject to fulfillment of conditions as mentioned in the Bangladesh Govt. Treasury Bond Rules-2003. 2. Loan facility: JBL offers loan upto 95% of the present value of the bond/other securities against lien of the above instrument for their customers. 2. 12. 28 Operating Profit: (in millions) Operating Profit After Tax: 2. 13 Human Resource Management: Human Resource Management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees and of attending to their labor relationship, health and safety. It is concerned with â€Å"people†dimension in management . The five basic function of HRM are given below. * Planning * Organizing * Staffing * Leading * Controlling To get effective and efficient output from the organization’s most valued assets , the bank creates an atmosphere so that people can contribute individually and collectively to achieve the objectives of the bank . nowledge and skill development is a continuous process to keep the employees abreast of all the latest developments in the banking sectors , the bank continues to organize various training programs and workshops . Now total number of regular employees is 1,031 . 2. 13. 1 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), also known as corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, responsible business, sustainable responsible business (SRB) and corporate social performance is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. Ideally, CSR policy would function as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby business would monitor and ensure their adherence to law, ethical standards, and international norms. Business would embrace responsibility for the impact of their activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere. Furthermore, business would proactively promote the public interest by encouraging community growth and development, and voluntarily eliminating practices that harm the public sphere, regardless of legality. 2. 13. 2 SWOT Analysis: SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective. 2. 13. 3 Performance Appraisal: The assessment of how successful employees have been at meeting their individual goals, therefore, becomes a critical part of Human Resource Management. This leads us to the topic of performance appraisal. There are basically three purposes to which performance appraisal can be put. * It can be used as a basis for reward allocations. * This appraisal can be use for identifying areas where development efforts are needed. * The performance appraisal can be used as a criterion against which selection devices and development programs are validated. HRM in Jamuna Bank 3. 1 HRM of Jamuna Bank: The organization has its personal department. This department maintains all activities of Bank under direction of Bangladesh Bank. The main objective of this department is to manage the human assets of the organization. HR management is a part of every organization. This includes placing the right person in the right job, and then orientating, training, and compensating to improve his/her job performance. Like any organization Jamuna Bank Limited also believes, Employees are the most valuable assets in the organization. Human Resource Division is responsible for the dimension of people of the organization. The responsibilities are to hire competent people, train them, and assist them to perform at high levels and mechanism to ensure that these employees maintain their productive affiliation with the organization. Human Resource Division of Jamuna Bank Limited is solely responsible mainly for recruitment, training and development, ensuring compensation and benefits of staffs, performance appraisal and rewards. With all those core functions Human Resource Division linkage its operations meet the organization’s main objectives. 3. 2 Human Resource Department (HRD) of Jamuna Bank: Human Resource Division of Jamuna Bank is one of the most valuable departments with the responsibilities of staffing, training and development, organization development, performance appraisals, rewarding, control and maintenance etc. The HRD of Jamuna Bank consists of competent and experienced executives to carry out the whole responsibilities. The Human Resource Division of Jamuna Bank stands in its Corporate Office at mail Branch under the direct supervision of the top management. 3. 3 Function of HRD: * Improving performance. * Ensure the right person at right job. * Improving the Employee Efficiency. * Arranging training program. * Compensating employees. * Promotional activities. * Ensuring skilled people. * Performance evaluation of the employee 3. 4 Organ gram of HRD of Jamuna Bank: Head of HRD Operations Remuneration Training ; Development Management Information System 3. 5 HR Practices of Jamuna Bank Limited: HR Planning Orientation Recruitment Selection Training ; Development Performance Evaluation Compensation ; Benefit Career Development 3. 6 Recruitment/Appointment: Recruitment ; Selection process starts with employment or personnel planning. This is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how to fill them. Recruitment procedure is commerce within the bank due to turnover, promotion, retirement, new business strategy, etc. Strategies of Recruitment: Bank recruit its manpower from two Strategies: Internal Training * External Training 3. 7 Trainee Officer: On need basis, whenever a vacancy arises by various reasons or new business need; recruitment will be made through a basic job related written test and an interview session commanding by the Head of Human Resources. Suitable candidates are selected from the dropped application for various post and high recommendations. Minimum qualifi cation for this level is graduation from any reputed university. 3. 8 Management Trainees: Management trainees are required on planned basis to develop a team of young potential fresh graduates as future leaders of the bank. The numbers of selection determined every year depending on the changes in business and turnover. The selection process is done through a stiff competing method. The candidates are expected to be with high academic performance from any reputed University. Written exam covers information technology, mathematical aptitude, English, general knowledge, economics and general questions. After primary selection candidates have to face a long interview session with the top management. After all procedure there is few candidates can convince the higher management and appointed as Management Trainee of Jamuna Bank. . 9 Lateral entry: External recruitment at any level made only when, internal successor is not available or totally a new position created for the business need or/and a technical job arises. This may be done by publicizing the position opening through newspaper advertisements in leading national dailies or throughout the online job portal as Jamuna Bank is the corporate client of à ¢â‚¬ËœBD Jobs†3. 10 Employment offer: The Employment offer is made after finishing all the selection procedure duly approved by the Managing. Employment offer consists of joining open period, particulars of salary, position etc. ith the employment offer the required documents and pre-medical tests report are asked by the HR department. 3. 11 Probation period: Employees appointed from trainee officer to officer level will be on probation; normally one year. The probation period for the management trainee is six month from the date of joining. This period will provide the new employees the opportunity to appreciate whether the job is suitable for him/her. 3. 12 Confirmation: On satisfactory completion of probation period and recommendation by the functional head the incumbent will be confirmed as the permanent employees of Jamuna Bank. . 13 Dismissal: An employee will be dismissed from the bank’s service if he or she is found guilty of misconduct or whatsoever according to the report of the enquiry committee. The concerned dismissed employee will get only the own contribution of his/her provident fund. 3. 14 Discharges on Medical Ground: If an employee is incapable to continue his/her service for continue ill health, mental abnormality and disorder, then the management may discharge him/her from service on medical ground.. 3. 15 Training and Development: Bank’s policy is to train and develop employees at all levels so that they can contribute towards the organization’s growth and also enhance their own development. Development is seen as a joint responsibility of the individual and his/her manager. Training needs will be identified and individual during the performance appraisal process and employees will be nominated to various programs of the following types * Induction (to orient the new entrant about the organization) * On the job training * Function based skill training * General management training 3. 16 Performance Appraisal System (PAS): Performance appraisal system (PAS) is the tool by which They measure the performance of an individuals and identify the gaps and plan future development in order to enable a better feet between the jobs and the incumbent. It is an HR process for driving business results. It is defining in advance what they must do as an individual to win in the market place and later on assessing the performance based on the extent to which they achieve result. Performance appraisal system is quite structured that it can measure of assess both goal (What) and the management competencies (How). 3. 17 Appraisal Process: Establish performance standards Communicate performance expectations to employees Measure actual performance If necessary initiate corrective action Discuss the appraisal with the employee Compare actual performance with standards 3. 18 Appraisal Methods: The previous section described the appraisal process in general terms. They now want to move from the general to the specific. In this section, they will look at hoe management can actually establish performance standards and device instruments that can be used to measure and appraise an employee’s performance. Three different approaches exist for doing appraisals. Employees can be appraised against: * Absolute Standards Essay Appraisal Critical Incident Appraisal Checklist Graphic Rating Scale Forced Choice Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) * Relative Standards Group Order Ranking Individuals Ranking Paired Comparison * Management by Objectives (MBO) Salaries: Employees joining against a post will receive the salary as per the grade they join in. The employees who are in probation will be eligible to join the PF only after their confirmation. Salaries increase which is linked with the performance of the individual employee per calendar year. Any request for information relating to salary should be directed to the Human Resources Department. Increments: Salary increases once a year on the basis of increment policy to all employees who have performed satisfactory in the given year for a minimum period of 180 days after confirmation of service. One may not receive any increment on a given year as a penalty on account of any offence/disciplinary measure. Promotion: Promotion depends on the availability of a position in the higher grade and a proven track record of an individual’s capabilities of taking over the management committee decides to upgrade the job. Promotion to the rank and status of executive level depends on the management committee. All promotions shall be approved by the management committee. * In the event of promotion/up-graduation to a higher job grade, the employee will receive an increase of his/her previous basic salary and all other allowances applicable in the higher grade. End of Service Benefits (EOSB): This is the mix of benefits he/she will gain after leaving the company normally. It will be the blends of provident fund, gratuity, loan deductions, service excellence etc. after resignation FR department takes one month to calculate and issue EOSB to that ex-official Festival Bonuses: The following employees normally to receive festival bonus as under- | Employment category| Payment system| 1| All regular officers and staff| One month’s basic pay both in Eid-ul-Fitre and Eid-ul-Azha. | 2| Officer on contract| As per contract| 3| Officer/employees on probation or who have not completed six month’s service. | 50 % of basic| 4| Executives’ personal drivers/ outsider employees/workers| Monthly consolidated wages | 4| Officer/employees on probation or who have not completed six month’s service. | 50% of basic | | Performance Bonus: The Bank may award performance bonus from time to time depending on the actual profit made in a given year. This bonus is subject to payment only upon approval. . This bonus will only be awarded to those who have completed 180 days confirmed service with the bank and made significant contribution towards achieving the profit target over and above the normal target. Convence: Convence is paid to the employees according to their position and cost Break down of monthly salary of Jamuna Bank: Head of Accounts| Taka per Month| Basic Pay| | House Rent Allowance| | Conveyance Allowance| | Medical Allowance| | Utility Allowance| | Entertainment Allowance| | Leave Fare Concession| | Personal pay| | 3. 19 Future planning of HRD of Jamuna Bank: It is to mention that the Human Resources Department of Jamuna Bank is under massive reconstruction under supervision of new Chairman ; Head of Human Resources. This is expected that within the end of this year the HRD of Jamuna Bank will get new look to its internal customers; strengthen on. * Performance Appraisal tool * Training need identification * On the job training * In house training * External training Hire of reputed faculty * Overseas/regional training * Long service awards * Cultural evenings * Family day * Event based dinner/lunches * In house magazine * Meetings * Memorandum * Electronic bulletin board. 3. 20 SWOT Analysis HRD of Jamuna Bank: Strength Open HR Manual: The Human Resources Manual of Jamuna Bank is open to all of its entire employee give total understanding of the terms and condition of the organization to its entire employees to assist the benefits and growth they can ever achieve and the role of Human Resources Department with all other departments of the organization. Employee Work Force: The Human Resource of Jamuna Bank is well prepared and perfectly managed. As from the very first, top management beloved in empowering employees, where they refused to put their finger in every part of the pie. Strong Bonding and Belongingness: Jamuna Bank’s employees are one of the major assets. The employees of bank have a strong sense of commitment towards organization and also feel proud and a sense of belonging towards Bank. This strong organizational culture of Jamuna Bank is a main strength of the organization. Information Technology: Online banking, email, personal computer for all employee enabled the employees work easier and faster with full of professionalism. All kinds of Benefits, salaries, monetary rewards directly given to employee’s bank account through STELAR. Employee Evaluation: Employee evaluation process by Human Resources Division became strength for its fair judgment and put trust among the employees of other department on Human Resources Department. Regional Banking: Regional banking means the core function of any region is coordinated by the regional head, such as Recruitment. Competitive Salary and Low Turnover: The salary package of Jamuna Bank is very much competitive to the market demands, so the turnover of manpower is decreasing day by day. Service Excellence: Employee’s code of conduct or service manual is practiced y by the employees. There is a coordination of HRD to measure the perfect evaluation of the employee’s performance. Weakness: Job Description: Job description is a necessary accomplishment should have for each position for recruiting the most suitable candidate on the basis of skill and experience required. Still hundred percent job descriptions on the basis of skill and experience required. Still hundred percent job descriptions is not prepared or collected by the HR Division. HR Accounting: Human Resources accounting is a strong tool for matching the benefits of each new recruitment done in the organization, calculation turnover, etc. Human Resources Division of Jamuna Bank is not yet established this practice. Compensation and Benefits: Compensation and benefits of Jamuna Bank’s employees is provided by the Human Resources Division through software which is not easy to use. Opportunity: Human Resources Information System: Human Resources Information System is must for a corporate environment like Jamuna Bank. Jamuna Bank has its own HRIS. Research and Development: Though Jamuna Bank has almost all due capabilities to command extensive research and development activities, Jamuna Bank done a little in this. Training and Learning: Training and learning is the core function for making the executives cope with the new scenario and make then update and knowledgeable. Jamuna Bank is going to utilize its fullest capacity and enthusiasm in this regard. Threats: New/Multinational Companies/Bank Policy: New multinational companies and bank policy as threat to Jamuna Bank in respect of increasing the salary expectation of the employees and new HR practices that turning the existing employees dissatisfied. Bangladesh Bank Regulation/Legislation: The regulation and legislation of Bangladesh bank is randomly changing the scenario of the human Resources policy and scope suddenly. 3. 21 Problem identification Traits| Descriptions| Problems Rate (%)| Standard is not yet Set| First problem of Human Resource Division is the level of standard which is not yet up to the mark. The operation and workflow of the department is still complex. | 40%| Identical HR Policy| After 11 years of business excellence, an individual Human Resources policy is absent. The existing policy demands refurbishment to set unique standard. | 60%| Lack of Proper Development| In HR Division there is the huge lack of development activities, the employee joining Jamuna Bank should be taken under a cordial orientation program which is absent. 30%| Lack of Proper Training| Proper training is very important issue for the employee specially occupy with the financial organization. In Jamuna Bank proper training need requirement is not justified rather done by the employee’s personal interest| 30%| Performance Appraisal System| Performance appraisal system is very important issue for Human Resource Department as it is the benchmark on which the promotion, incre ment, performance bonus, reward ; recognition are done. The existing system is not justified; from the previous experience it was found that the rating does not bear the true demonstration of the overall performance. The difference between the five rates is not properly measured and somewhat biased in many cases. | 60%| Human Resource Impact| After passing its 11 years anniversary of its service still Human Resource Department is acting as Human Resource Department than act as Human Resource Business partner. | 20%| 4. 1 Identical Human Resource Policy: There should be a unique HR policy in the organization immediately; through the recognition of HR policy is under progress supervised by the Manager and the head of HR. 4. 2Human Resource Development: There should be all kinds’ development activities as individual, career and organizational by the Human Resource Department for enhancing the employee’s growth as Well as achieve organizational hierarchy. 4. 3 Training Need Assessment: Jamuna Bank has all the potential capabilities to make its employee more efficient and help being the future leader. Training is a common practice for the employees of any bank. This training should be organized by the human Resource department only through need assessments. it can be examines through the performance evaluation process by which HRD will determine where he/she should have some more exposure. 4. 3 Performance Appraisal System: The existing appraisal system can be changed or modified and new system could be developed which will articulate the accurate picture. The criteria of evaluation should cover more competencies of an employee. 4. 4. 1 Linkage among Other Division: For better services, HRD must establish a proper linkage within the other functional departments. A department like HRD cannot perform in isolation where Human Resource Department is in the core of all other department. 4. 4. 2 Reward and Recognition: Only higher salary package cannot satisfy a self motivated and exposed employee in higher level. The employee wants recognition and reward for their self actualization. 5. 1 Conclusion ; Remarks: As an omnipresent financial organization in today’s cosmopolitan economy, banking sector deals with the shrewdest part of the economy. If is notably important for a country to ensure quality banking service for fertilizing the economic sector and enhancing the overall business and manufacturing environment of the country that will ultimately accelerate the national growth wheel. In recent times in Bangladesh banking industry has been considered the most prospective, compared to the other service sectors, for their quality service and transparency. At past only the government banks Are in operation and people had no other alternative to go to those institutions for service. But now the scenario is quite different. A good number of private banks are rendering service and a tough competition exists in this sector. And the service of bank has received diversified views in recent times. Now a days, a bank is not just selling services but they may define it as selling of solution to the business community as a whole to the society basically solution for the finance. So it is very important to ensure most efficient work force with innovative ideals and proper technological back up to render such an important solution to the society that will ensure sustainable growth of the economy. Today’s business world is self-motivated and ever varying. To cope up with all these changes and adopt with new scenario a group of skilled and talented word force is the first requirement. Jamuna Bank has rightly focused don skill development of employee and at the same time introducing technology in almost every step of its day-to-day activities to insure prompt and quality service. Besides frequent training program is also conducted by the bank to increase the level of employee efficient. This should be further strengthened, as there is no alternative of training in banking sector as here practice and xperience along with training can make the deference. And They have to focus on the current competition level in the industry as in such a small economy They have 52 banks and the giant nationalized banks are contemplating to come with private management. And this will make the competition more severe. And is such a severe competition only way to be the front line in the race is to go with learning process and adoption of latest technology. This will help us to read the environment properly and adjust in the changed environment. Jamuna Bank needs to put its landmark in the rural areas and other prospective remote corners of Bangladesh to expand its client base and expanded market. It should enhance the advertising in the electronic media to get acquainted with vast prospective customers of the country. In spite of short comings I tried my level best to make the report fruitful. I apologize for making errors in the report. During the period of practical exposure, I have across a lot of interaction with people, got neared with personal feelings. But it is very difficult for me to express my personal observations and feelings as an outsider for a very few days. Jubilee Branch has a very good working environment. Jamuna Bank will not only help to retain existing customers, but it will also help to drag new customers through positive word-of-mouth communications. Also it will help to attract new segments with different needs. Thus, Jamuna Bank should focus on increasing its market share by providing quality service as promised ; at the same time, providing new products/services that would satisfy customer need even more; creating a competitive advantage over its competitors. Jamuna Bank, started for â€Å"Your partner for growth†Its gracious and amiable environment, commitment to service and ability to proved equality, at low cost, with high efficiency has been able to d
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