Friday, December 27, 2019
Preventing The Harm Of Smartphone Use Among Children Essay
Researchers have suggested some solutions in order to minimize the harm of smartphone use among children. Clearly, parents and school can help kids to make wise media choices. First, parents’ attitude is very important to protect their kids from dangers. They should monitor their child’s screen time. Children under two years old must not be allowed to contact with the smartphones under any circumstances. Moreover, children over two years should not spend more than two hours a day on using smartphones. This timeline is also applied to adolescents and teenagers. There are many ways that parents can decrease the amount of screen time among their kids, such as setting their own rules, keeping the smartphones out of the bedroom or in the meal, and switching off the phone when not in use. For instance, parents should not use the smartphone as a tool to keep their kids obedient and silent because it can create bad habits for children to use smartphones too early. Encouraging t he kids to join outdoor activities is also a good thing to help them limit their screen time. Furthermore, parents should not completely prohibit their child from contacting with smartphones. However, they need to balance the amount of time that kids spend on smartphones and outdoor activities; therefore, kids can avoid those influences stated above and also have the opportunity to develop in the best way. Second, the school needs to forbid the students from using smartphones in class. Clearly, smartphones canShow MoreRelatedCyberbullying, Prevention, And Results Of Cyberbullying1494 Words  | 6 Pageshabitually cruel or overbearing.†When these two words are combined, cyberbullying is best described as someone who uses the computer and access it provides to bully someone. However, there is much more to cyberbullying than they may possibly believe they know: background information about cyberbullying, the types of cyberbullying, prevention, and results of cyberbullying. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
A Great Military Leader, Douglas Macarthur - 2271 Words
Douglas MacArthur A great military leader†¦ 8/30/2009 PADM 4400 Summer 2009 John Thompson The research paper enclosed is one that focuses on a great military leader, Douglas MacArthur. This leader was a household name in the United States during World War I, World War II, the Cold War and the Korean War. His name was synonymous with â€Å"Power†and â€Å"influence,†during the 40’s. He became known for his great strategic battles that ultimately won World War II for the United States and its allies. However, MacArthur became just as popular for his sometimes off the wall theories and beliefs on political topics. General MacArthur was born with power in his hands; his parents raised him instilling great ambitions and the inspiring him to be†¦show more content†¦Douglas respected, admired and accepted his father’s teachings. His father’s use of referent power had a huge effect on MacArthur’s aspirations. MacArthur returned to the United States in 1906, he was appointed aide-de-camp to President Theodore Roosevelt a nd in 1913, became a member of his general staff. MacArthur received notoriety as commander of â€Å"Rainbow Division,†in World War I. It was at this point that MacArthur became known throughout the United States as a talented but flamboyant military leader. Douglas MacArthur knew he was talented and he wasn’t afraid to let other people know that he was a great leader. Throughout his career his confidence and bold statements became well-known. He returned from WWI combat with a variety of military decorations. In 1922 Douglas was assigned to the West Point Military Academy. MacArthur served as the youngest superintendant ever to command West Point. His methods were unorthodox in the books of the conservative West Point graduates. He was known to the cadets as a leader that put his feet up on the desk and allowing cadets to take cigarettes from his personal stash. MacArthur did away with written reprimands; he chose to do them face to face and without any wri tten record. Many cadets were inspired by his unique style of leadership and his charisma. â€Å"He had a way of touching your elbow or shoulder, upping his chin with a slight jerk and crowding in his eye such a warmth of blessing.†Show MoreRelatedGeneral Douglas Macarthur s Duty, Honor, Country ``1359 Words  | 6 PagesHuerta 1 The Militaries Unspoken Will The Speech â€Å"Duty, Honor, Country†was delivered by General Douglas MacArthur to the Cadets of the Military Academy in West Point, New York. General Douglas MacArthur was being awarded with the Sylvanus Thayer Award to commend the General for all his hard work and devotion to the Military. The Award is a memorable tribute to the ideals that inspired the late General Sylvanus Thayer, who was also known as â€Å"the Father of West Point†. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Artwork and Performing Samples for Students †
Question: Discuss about the Artwork and Performing. Answer: Introduction Semiotics is simply a term termed as the study of the use of symbols and communication with a defined meaning that includes the study of signs and processing of signs. Artwork is used to define the activities that human beings engage in, to bring auditory or performing artifacts or creating a visual image. In my paperwork below I have underlined various semiotics in which various Medias use semiosis in the communication of their various brands. I have concentrated my views on the Samsung Company Artwork In media advertisements of the Samsung mobile phone (S8). We are usually provided with an imagery of the kind of life you will experience with the device. In the picture above Samsung company has vividly described the product as one that when used you fill the comfort of walking on air. The man in the picture is illuminating the robot in the space, this art influences one to think that the man is actually in space. Apart from that the artifact of this art also goes ahead to give a short information about the brand, infinity display on the reading of the statement, a person will have a clear view of what the product can perform. For instance, one may think he can be able to see things that are at the infinite range. (Alden Batra., 2015) Furthermore, the developer goes ahead to give the user a picture of the S8, showing that its waterproof hence its suitable to use it under any environmental circumstances without worrying about water damaging your gadget. This was also employed in movies, for instance, a certain movie known as "POWER" whereby the characters are using a Samsung phone, and they are texting and receiving a call in the rain without having to worry. (Danesi, 2011) Developmental process of S8 Befortoe launching of S7 that flopped Samsung started the developments of S8 which is believed to have an infinite view that will give life a different view, the model is designed in a way it gives the consumer what he or she is unable to have or see with a naked eye. (Epure, 2015) Samsung electronics semiotic application Samsung, an electronic company, has employed various platforms into marketing its products. Through the branding, the products provided by them are worldly appreciated as one of the best electronics as they cover different ranges, that suit each and every consumer about their economic state. (Lotman, 2012) It looks into the people's life's and generates products that suit every generation; its wider range of products makes it easily affordable to anyone depending on one's taste and preference. Generations in the universe have a different way of life thus Samsung finds it necessary to provide products that can be afforded by this different types of generations. The use of art that enables one to understand the quality of a product through imagery makes it realistic to one's thoughts as its observed in the case where the art used showed one immersing the Samsung brand into the water without the water causing damage to it. (Chandler, 2007/2014) Samsung use of media advertisement (television) Over the years Samsung Electronics has widely used television to market its products. As many human beings stick their eyes to various TV channels, this acts as the best opportunity for the company to reach its consumers. For instance, as many people are football fanatics in the last decade Samsung has employed the use of various world best footballers to market its products, especially about their product TV. The provision of a wider range of TV sets they offer makes it effective to use this type of communication. (Alden Batra., 2015) The use of billboards Billboards are widely used in advertisement process, as they normally portray the real image of the product being advertised. Hence, in this case, Samsung acknowledges the use of billboards all around the world into marketing its products in the long run. Billboards are usually structures beside main roads where traffic is highly observed. This is done to communicate to the road user of the existence of a specific product in the market. They are usually well structured to convince any road user visually into trying the product. The visually available information with some short description leaves with no choice other than abiding by it. (Zlatev, 2013) Artwork international representation The artwork internationally represents the use of updated gadgets about the increasing world of diversity in enhancing lives. Due to the 1st changing generations worldwide Samsung as an electronic company is trying to provide an improved platform for the experience of the generation. Its ability to influence a wider market makes it further easier for the products to sell easier worldwide especially in the developed nations. As the artwork is meant to capture the attention of all nations, it can be said to be an example of art that looks into the opportunities that suit all the generations. (Emmeche Kull, 2011) Conclusion One may come to a conclusion that the use of signs to portray a certain type of information to generation can be very effective depending on how you simplify it for the viewer, for instance, Samsung uses simple practice in putting across their communication. The communication can suit anyone provided that one is visually able even if deaf he can interpret the given message without any complications. Through my presentation above its clearly that choosing of better forms of communication to reach your customers one needs to be cognitive to what better way, the message can be represented. Using this type of example other companies in the worldwide market need to copy from Samsung's way of customer services. They can offer the same product in a wider range of make and model that leaves the consumer with the choice to make what suits their needs. References Aktin, K., 2016. A Semiotic Analysis of the Utilization of Historical Thinking Skills in Pre-School Period. 1st ed. New York: Educational Research And Reviews. Alden, D. Batra., J.-B. S. . R., 2015. "Brand Positioning Through Advertising in Asia, North America, and Europe: The Role of Global Consumer Culture." 5th ed. Lund: Lund University Press. Chandler, D., 2007/2014. Pictorial concepts. Inquiries into the semiotic heritage and its relevance for the analysis of the visual world. 3rd ed. London: Routledge. Danesi, M., 2011. Understanding Media Semiotics. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford UP. Emmeche, C. Kull, K. (., 2011. Towards a Semiotic Biology: Life is the Action of Signs. 2nd ed. London: Imperial College Press. Epure, M. E. E., 2015. Semiotics And Persuasion In Marketing Communication. 3rd ed. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press. ISBN 978-0. Lotman, Y. M., 2012. Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture. 3rd ed. London: I.B. Tauris. Zlatev, J., 2013. "The Semiotic Hierarchy: Life, Consciousness, Signs and Language, Cognitive Semiotics." 3rd ed. Sweden: Scania.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The advertising of Pfizer
Underlying message The message of the advertising is that Pfizer is a company that cares for its consumers. It is committed to their overall well being and does not just limit itself to the medication it sells. The company probably offers solid customer care as well other services that show how holistic it is (Pfizer (b) 12).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The advertising of Pfizer specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Different cultures would interpret the message differently. Certain people would object to graffiti painting on public property. Others would not associate creeping around with the beautiful image on the wall if their culture has no spray painters. Some viewers might object to the sentimentality of the piece. They might feel that it is exploiting human feelings. The most effective SCR for the advertisement is American culture. A person from this community would be familiar with spray painting, caring f or the ill and doing something special for them. They would also deduce that Pfizer is compassionate. Products The organization sells a range of medicine for HIV, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, arthritis, bipolar disorder and other medical conditions. It is difficult to decode what the company sells from the advertisement because it seems disconnected from the message. In the advert, the company emphasises that sometimes it takes more than medication to care for someone. One would thus deduce that it sells something in that field. Unless one is already familiar with the brand name, one would presume that Pfizer offers medical services, palliative care or other aspects of medication that have nothing to do with their products (Pfizer (a) 12). Pfizer sells consumer products that are mostly prescription-based. These medicines are tangible and portable. Some of them are perishable while others are not. They deal with complicated conditions as well as embarrassing ones like erectile pro blems. While doctors prescribe those medications, sometimes consumers may request for them. Overall, the company should have placed greater emphasis on their core products rather than patient care, which is an implied service that they might not even offer.Advertising Looking for essay on advertising? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Country markets The most plausible country markets for these products are western countries like the UK, France and the United States. Western countries have a lot of experience with graffiti painting and some of them would appreciate the spontaneous nature of the art. They are also expressive people who would appreciate the message. Conservative nations like Iraq and Saudi Arabia would not resonate with the message. These nations have a respect for authority and would shun adverts that endorse countercultures. Furthermore, a poor country like Bangladesh or Mali would not even know what graffiti pa inting is. Therefore, some would presume that the protagonist is stealing something. Their level of economic development would not allow for such an indirect message (Cateora Graham 9). International integrated marketing campaign If the company wants to relate to all its key markets, it needs to include a series of posters that have a picture of the ailing child in the advertising taking its products. It also needs to work on the advertisement itself by incorporating its key products in the company. Instead of using graffiti painting, it could change the piece to another act of kindness. The firm needs to use internet advertising to make the work relatable. Additional factors One should consider the exposure of various target markets to the company name. Mostly American consumers know about Pfizer; therefore, the company needs to make its brand name more implicit. Messages that focus on urgent situations are more effective than sentimental ones for diverse audiences. The campaign s hould replace internet advertising with radio and television promotions in countries with a low development index. Works Cited Cateora, Phillip John Graham. International marketing. NY: McGraw-Hill, 2004. Print. Pfizer (a). Home page. 2013. Web. Pfizer (b). Pfizer graffiti ad. 2008. Web. We will write a custom essay sample on The advertising of Pfizer specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on The advertising of Pfizer was written and submitted by user Sebastian Berg to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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